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Should my child have an online science tutor?At Science With Confidence, we have had a wide range of students approach us for online science tuition, Some students are looking for that extra support alongside their KS3/IGCSE/GCSE/ A Level studies whereas others seek additional work that will enable them to be stretched so that they can achieve the top grades. We have also have students who are retaking their examinations as private candidates. Typically, though, students join us for our online science tuition lessons to improve their examination techniques so that they boost their performance in the final examinations.
When is the best time to start tuition?There is no ideal time to start tuition as every child is at different stages of their learning so parents will approach us at different stages of the academic year but we recommend you contact us as soon as possible when you do require a online science tutor. We usually see a huge uptake in our sessions in January, after the Year 11 and Year 13 mock examination results have been released where motivation to work hard is high with the great chances of excellent progress being made. No matter when you child starts, there will always be an immediate uplift in their learning with our online science tutor, whether it be their confidence, attitude or grades.
What does a typical online science lesson entail?As our online science lessons are tailored to the student, each one may vary but a standard lesson may look as follows (or this may span across a few lessons depending on the length of the topic): ​ 1. In the case of one-to-one online science sessions, the lesson will always start with a quick chat to catch up with your child about how the week has been (and to ensure your child is relaxed and ready to start the session), identifying any problems and liaising with parents when needed as we take our role in safeguarding seriously. 2. The session then proceeds with a review of the homework set last lesson. This will be used to address any difficulties encountered and inform planning of subsequent lessons, incorporating more questions to reinforce understanding of any problematic topics. 3. The new topic to be studied is then introduced as a series of visuals/diagrams which I use as prompts to help the student discuss their understanding of the topic, enabling me to gauge their understanding of the topic and I also write their responses on the screen so they can see exactly what they do/don't know as well as keep the lesson interactive. I then use the opportunity to plug any gaps in the students knowledge before we move on to questions. At this point, students (or parents) like to write down notes which I offer although they are given a copy of the presentation at the end of the lesson. Content covered in the lesson is always in line with the examination specification. 4. Once students have a good understanding of the topic, we then move to reinforcing key knowledge with questions. I usually model how to answer some questions first on the topic to develop the students' confidence and knowledge before we answer questions together and then the student will answer questions independently. This this all part of the "I do (teacher models), we do (we work on the question together) and you (student works on the questions) approach" here at Science With Confidence. Not everyone requires this approach and we use our judgement to determine when it would be beneficial to implement. 5. The lesson then continues with developing examination techniques (if we are at a point where it is appropriate to do this) by answering a range of examination questions on the topic; a quick 1 mark question that requires a keyword as an answer, an explanation of a concept, a 6 mark application question that often is a high demand question as it required recall of specific keywords as well as the application of knowledge in an unfamiliar scenario.
What are your costs for tutor services?For Key Stage 3 Science: Online one-to-one sessions- £40 p/h Online group sessions- £15 p/h ​ For IGCSE/GCSE Science/Biology/Chemistry/Physics: Online one-to-one sessions- £45 p/h Online group sessions- £20 p/h ​ For A Level Chemistry: Online face-to-face sessions-£50 p/h
How do you ensure that students are focused and completing the work during the online lessons?All our online science lessons are interactive throughout (unless a student is sitting an assessment): Students are encouraged to interact with their online science tutor throughout the session through discussions of the topic and sharing their responses to questions and examination questions they complete during the sessions. We understand that students work at different paces and some may take longer than average to get through answering questions; we check in regularly with students during independent tasks throughout the lesson to ensure they are supported when needed and offer more work when needed. If we feel there is an issue with focus, we will have a frank and open conversation with parents as soon as possible to identify key issues and provide effective and supportive solutions.
What can my child do to ensure he/she get the most out of each session?Many students prefer to work through the entire content with the online science tutor which is part of our personalised learning approach; however, for students hoping to achieve the high grades or for those who are very able, we recommend that, with the help of a specification, students read up on the topic ahead of the lesson, make notes according to the specification and ensure they have learnt the key ideas. This way, we can hit the ground running with examination questions and reinforcing/explaining concepts and more time can be dedicated to developing successful strategies to answers examination questions; essential to maximise success in the final examinations.
How will you track my child's progress?After each topic, your child will undertake a short written assessment consisting of past examination questions so you will be given an idea of how your child is performing against the standards set by the examination board. Once the assessment is completed, feedback will be given to the child as well as written feedback to parents which will outline a grade, strengths and areas requiring support to ensure that your child remedies any problematic areas with the help of their science tutor.
My child has struggled with online science tuition in the past and is hesitant to try again.Sometimes, a negative experience can put students off from exploring online learning with other tutors. At Science With Confidence, our online lessons are taught as though we are sitting next to you- the same dialogue would take place as though the sessions were face-to-face except the tutor will be on the screen! We would be more than happy to meet with you prior to our first lesson to ensure that nerves are settled and any issues are resolved before the first lesson. Even the most apprehensive of students have developed an enjoyment for our online science lessons at Science With Confidence within a sort space of time.
How often should my child have online science tuition?This all depends on the starting point of your child and when they will be sitting their examinations. On average, our students take one lesson a week and will increase this to two lessons a week in the final weeks to the run-up of the examinations (subject to availability). Generally, students who start well in advance of their examinations (one year plus prior to their examinations) study with us once a week where as those who have only a few months will opt for 3-4 lessons a week. We would be happy to discuss this during our first meeting.
How will I know if Science With Confidence online science tuition is right for my child?The effects of online science tuition with Science With Confidence may not be apparent straightaway. It is, therefore, important to keep an open-mind while the tutor learns more about the student and their learning styles and while the student builds trust with the tutor but we have found that students report an enjoyment of our tutorials from the first lesson. Effects on students after the first few online science lessons include increased confidence in the subject, motivation to learn and rapid gains in their knowledge and being able to apply them to questions. With time, the effects are seen as higher attainment in the subject.
Should my child choose online one-to-one or group science tuition?This would depend on the level of support your child requires in the subject. Whilst class sizes are small in group sessions and students benefit from excellent individual attention from the tutor, the session will not be as personalised as one-to-one tuition. If a student is lacking subject knowledge, then one-to-one may be a better option. If a student has fairly sound subject knowledge but examination techniques may be an issue, group tuition may be more beneficial from a cost point of view. We would be happy to discuss the best tuition this upon contact.
What subjects does Science with Confidence offer online tuition in?We offer tuition in the following subjects: Key Stage 3 Science​ IGCSE Combined Science IGCSE Biology IGCSE Chemistry IGCSE Physics GCSE Combined Science GCSE Biology GCSE Chemistry GCSE Physics A Level Chemistry
What should I do if I need to cancel/rearrange a lesson?Just ensure that you contact us via email or text as soon as you can, letting us know any alternative dates that the lessons can be rearranged to take place on.
How are the online science lessons personalised to my child's needs?At the end of each lesson, the tutor will have a brief conversation with the student to determine if the student would like to cover a particular topic (this is usually the case if they have a test coming up). The tutor also pays attention to the work completed during the lessons and will use this information to determine whether the topic needs to be reinforced by way of further tutor explanations and questioning, application of knowledge questions or homework. This cycle of teacher assessment is continual to ensure that lessons are effective, relevant and tailored to your child's needs. We believe that these are part of the practice of the best tutors.
As well as evening availability, do you have availability during the day?Yes, online tuition sessions are also available during the day between 9:00 and 15:00 on Mondays; ideal for those who are home-schooled or retaking examinations as a private candidate. A second day will be released in September 2023.
Do you offer online science tuition during the holidays as well as term-time?Yes, online tuition generally continues during all the school holidays with the exception of the month of August but tuition is still available if needed. Should parents wish for online science tuition to pause during the holiday, they should let the tutor know as soon as possible.
Will my child receive homework?Yes, homework is essential to help your child consolidate the concepts learnt, develop their understanding of the subject and hone their examination technique; a skill that needs to develop over time. Homework is generally set on a basis and should not take more than 15 minutes (unless it is revision for a test which will take longer) as we are mindful of the homework that they will receive from school. We, therefore, ensure that homework we select for your child has maximum impact on their learning.
What qualifications do you have to enable you to deliver online science tuition successfully?I have over 15 years' experience delivering private online science tuition and teaching science in the classroom which also includes 7 years as Head of Chemistry. I know exactly what is needed for students to achieve their potential. I am also currently working part-time in a private school so I have a working knowledge of the UK curriculum and regularly undertake professional development. I have taught across all examination boards at GCSE/IGCSE/A Level. I am also a qualified science teacher (awarded by the University of Oxford) and a Chartered Science Teacher which was awarded to me by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Furthermore, I have a degree in a pure science (Chemistry) awarded by University College London. Please be assured that your child is in the best hands with our online science tuition services.
How will my child access the online science lessons?Our science tuition is conducted using Google Meet. A link is sent via email prior to the lesson. No software is required to be installed. All the material is displayed during the Google Meet and students will be able see the tutor and write any notes or answers on the whiteboard screen. Please ensure the microphone is working prior to each session and that your child has quiet place to work.
How much does a science tutor cost ?The question of how much is online tutoring fee is the one that parents ask before anything else. Online science tutors charge anything between £10 per hour to £150 per hour. The fee charged depends on location, experience and qualifications. My charges have been set to reflect my qualifications from prestigious universities, level of experience and expertise your child will be receiving as well as the planning and progress tracking that occurs outside of the online science tuition sessions to prepare each lesson. This is not a role that I undertake to simply supplement my income; this is my main source of income so I take my role and reputation as an online science tutor very seriously. There are many online science tutors (graduates, students and teachers) who teach alongside their studies/jobs as a means of earning "pocket money" and may not be as fully committed as those who have pursued online science tutoring as a career and rely on this income.
Which examination boards do you cover?We cover all examination boards such as Edexcel, AQA, OCR and WJEC at GCSE, IGCSE and A Level.
How is payment made for each lessons?For online science tuition, payment can be made immediately after the lesson. For face-to-face science tuition, we ask that payment is made prior to each session. Bank details for payment will be provided when the first lesson is confirmed.
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